“The corrosion of the metallization containing PbO-SiO2-TeO2 glass frits in c-Si PV modules”, Taeko Semba, Atsushi Masuda, 2021 Photovoltaic Reliability Workshop, E-2-8, online, 2021.2.26.
“Corrosion of the metallization on the n+ back surface field of bifacial solar cells”, Taeko Semba, Atsushi Masuda, 8th International Symposium on Organic and Inorganic Electronic Materials and Related Nanotechnologies, B2-4-2, p. 76, Session B2-4, online, 2021.6.2.
“Influence of light irradiation on the charge-accumulation-type potential-induced degradation of n-type front-emitter crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules”, Rongrong Zhao, Huynh Thi Cam Tu, Atsushi Masuda, Keisuke Ohdaira, 8th International Symposium on Organic and Inorganic Electronic Materials and Related Nanotechnologies, B2-4-3, p. 77, Session B2-4, online, 2021.6.2.
“Corrosion behavior of solder ribbon caused by acidification inside crystalline Si photovoltaic modules”, Taeko Semba, Atsushi Masuda, 48th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 43, 2021.6.23.
“Activities for diversity in physics field in Japan”, Atsushi Masuda, Noriko Chikumoto, Atsuko Ichikawa, Emiko Hiyama, Akiko N. Itakura, 7th IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics, 122, p. 42, online, 2021.7.14.
“Gender equality in the field of applied physics in Japan: Clarification of issues and design of policy based on statistical data”, Nobuyuki Matsuki, Kayo Ogawa, Emi Tamechika, Atsushi Masuda, 7th IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics, 210, p. 78, online, 2021.7.14.
“Corrosion behavior of the metallization including ternary glass frits in the high-temperature and high-humidity test”, Taeko Semba, Atsushi Masuda, 38th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 4BO.5.3, 4BO.5: Interconnects and Soldering, online, 2021.9.7.
“Effect of temperature and pre-annealing on the potential-induced degradation of silicon heterojunction photovoltaic modules”, Jiaming Xu, Huynh Thi Cam Tu, Atsushi Masuda, 〇Keisuke Ohdaira, 2021 Intrnational Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, F-5: Silicon-based Solar Cells, F-5-02, online, 2021.9.8.
“Technical trends and future perspectives for flexible solar cells”, Atsushi Masuda, 11th International Conference on Flexible and Printed Electronics, Sp15: Flexible solar cells and modules for advanced applications, online, 2021.9.30. (招待講演)
“The corrosion of the metallization using Pb-free glass frits in c-Si PV modules”, Taeko Semba, Atsushi Masuda, 31st International Photovoltaic Scienece and Engineering Conference, online, 2021.12.14.
「n型フロントエミッタ型結晶Si太陽電池モジュールの電圧誘起劣化-セル表面構造の影響-」、山口 世力、Bas B. Van Aken、Maciej K. Stodolny、Jochen Löffler、増田 淳、大平 圭介、第82回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会、10a-N104-2、講演予稿集p. 14-002、オンライン開催、2021.9.10.